PHP Training In Chennai Course Syllabus

Content Overview

  1. Basic PHP Development
  2. Function
  3. Working with file system
  4. Working with regular Expression
  5. Introduction to database
  6. Cookies
  7. Disk Access, I/O, Math and Mail
  8. Control Structure
  9. Array
  10. Working with forms
  11. Classes and Objects
  12. Database concepts
  13. Session
  14. PHP Project

Detailed Syllabus

  1. History of PHP
  2. What is PHP?
  3. What is PHP?

Data Types

  1. Variables
  2. Constant
  3. Array
  4. Array functions
  5. Associative arrays
  6. Strings
  7. String functions
  8. Part I: Integers
  9. Part II: Floating Points
  10. Type Juggling and Casting
  11. NULL and empty
  12. Booleans

MySQL & PHP Course Syllabus

Initial Steps
  1. Embedding PHP Code on a Page
  2. Executing dynamic text
  3. Inserting Comments Code
  4. Trail of Operational Statements

Logical Expressions

  1. If Statements
  2. Else
  3. Elseif Statements
  4. Switch Statements
  5. Logical Operators

PHP Code Using Loops Concepts

  1. For Loops
  2. For each Loops
  3. While Loops
  4. Continue & Break Statements
  5. Prospective of Array Pointers

Creating Web Pages With PHP Training

  1. Major Functions
  2. Global Variables
  3. Function Arguments
  4. Returning Values from a functions
  5. Setting Default Argument Values
  6. Multiple Return Values

User-Defined Functions

  1. How to make Links & URLs
  2. Page redirection
  3. Including and requiring files
  4. Output buffering
  5. Using GET values
  6. Encoding GET values
  7. Modifying headers
  8. Encoding for HTML


  1. Deducting Issues
  2. Clear Errors and Warnings
  3. Troubleshooting