Android Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to Android

  1. Introduction to Mobile App Development
  2. Mobile App Development Platforms
  3. Native App Development
  4. Cross-Platform App Development
  5. Android Vs iOS
  6. What is Android?
  7. Android Versioning
  8. Android Development Platforms
  9. Android Architecture

Module 2: Installations and Android Fundamentals

  1. Installation of Android Studio
  2. Installation of Eclipse and ADT Plugin
  3. Setting up Android Project
  4. Android Project Structure

Module 3: Core Java For Android Programming

  1. Java Programming Fundamentals
  2. Control Structures
  3. Loops
  • Data Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  1. Exception Handling
  2. Packages & Interfaces
  3. Collection
  4. ArrayList
  5. Vector Class
  6. HashMap

Module 4: Android Components & Building Blocks

  1. Activities/Fragment
  2. Services
  3. Intent
  4. Intent Filters
  5. Storage
  6. Broadcast receivers

Module 5: Mastering Ui Design

  1. Widget Control
  2. Working with Single Screen Design
  3. Working with Multiple Screen Design
  4. Handling Pages with Scrollable Design
  5. Reusing Existing forms
  6. Material Design
  7. Button and Checkbox
  8. Progress Bar and Seek Bar
  9. Text View and Edit Text
  10. Views(Grid View, List View, Image View)

Module 6: Working With Layouts Techniques

  1. Linear Layout
  2. Relative Layout
  3. Table Layout
  4. Frame Layout
  5. What is layout in Android?
  6. Design Layout Using XML for UI layout

Module 7: Activity Life Cycls

  1. Understanding the Life cycle methods
  2. Working example of life cycle

Module 8: Understanding An Android Application Structure

  1. Understanding the XML layout files structure
  2. Values XML files
  3. TextView and EditText
  4. Dialogs
  5. Notifications
  6. Understanding the LDPI, MDPI and HDPI
  7. Understanding Mipmap folders
  8. Mipmap V/s drawable folders

Module 9: Application Development& Emulator

  1. Creating Android application
  2. Launching Emulator
  3. Working with Various settings in Emulator
  4. Logcat Operations
  5. Debugging an Application
  6. Understanding DDMS
  7. DDMS and log results

Module 10: Understandingintents

  1. Implicit intents
  2. Launching native application using Intent
  3. Explicit Intent
  4. Switch between activities using Explicit Intent
  5. Data transferring between activities using Intents
  6. Role of intent Filters
  7. Intent Filters in your manifest

Module 11: Services

  1. Lifecycle
  2. Bound Services
  3. Notifications
  4. Running in Foreground

Module 12: Understanding Sql & Sqlite

  1. DML Queries
  2. DDL Queries
  3. SQL Syntax
  4. SQL functions
  5. Date & time functions
  6. Aggregate functions
  7. JSON functions

Module 13: Data Storage & Permissions

  1. Content providers and preferences
  2. Storing in Flat files
  3. SQLite – Database Usage
  4. Data storage using the preferences
  5. Database Operations
  6. Realm Database Connectivity
  7. SQLCipher
  8. Permission Systems

Module 14: Web Services

  1. SOAP
  2. REST
  3. JSON
  4. Volley Library
  5. Retrofit Library

Module 15: Broadcast Receivers

  1. Broadcast Receivers
  2. Lifecycle
  3. Permissions

Module 16: Working With Media

  1. Building an Audio App
  2. Building a Video App

Module 17: Connectivity

  1. Handling Wifi Connectivity
  2. Handling Bluetooth Connectivity
  3. Working with Sensors
  4. Send SMS
  5. Send Email
  6. Notification
  7. Camera

Module 18: Advanced Android Concepts

  1. Android Material Design
  2. Sliding Navigation Menu Drawer
  3. View Page Indicator
  4. Card View
  5. Recycler View
  6. Tool Bar
  7. Floating Action Button

Module 19: Third Party Integrations

  1. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
  2. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
  3. Android PHP/MySQL Connection
  4. Social Media Integration (Facebook,Google Plus, Twitter& LinkedIn)
  5. Third Party Library Integration
  6. Android PHP/MySQL Connection

Module 20: Publishing Your App

  1. Testing your Android App
  2. Prerequisites for Launching you Android App
  3. Publishing your App